Beating the itch, Forest Farmacy style!

Have you stopped to think about why itchy horses are more common than they used to be? Or why the common skin irritation so many horses suffer with is called ‘sweet’ itch? Consider this… when someone has had a ‘garlic-heavy’ meal you can smell it on them, this is because it comes out in their perspiration. It is the same with horses and anything that a horse eats will be secreted via their sweat.

What do horses eat more of in the summer? Grass… and what does grass majorly consist of… sugar! So to bugs and insects, when a horse has a high blood sugar level – they smell good enough to eat!

In addition to fresh spring grass, horses are generally being more overfed resulting in higher blood sugar content. The excess sugars which aren’t used for energy are converted in to fat and ‘dumped’ through perspiration on to their skin producing a ‘sweety heaven’ for insects!

A large proportion of the insects that bite are females who, once they have mated, need a good feed of blood to germinate their eggs, which is why they bite! The anticoagulant the insect inserts in to the horse to maintain a constant flow of blood is acidic, as is the skin, which is what causes your horse to itch. Once the itch starts, horses start to rub which causes the area to become more raw and open – giving other insects the perfect feeding ground and method of sharing their bacteria.

There are ways to help prevent it…

Alkalise the skin using a product such as our Bug Free Wash. Using Quassia we have created a wash which can alter the PH of the skin making it unappealing to bugs and insects and in turn helping reduce the problem of sweet itch and insect bites. Quassia Bark Extract is found predominantly in Jamaica and other West Indian Islands. The whole Quassia tree – in particular the white coloured wood – is infused with an astringent resin containing Quassin which acts as a powerful insecticide – so much so in fact that no insect or pest ever bothers the tree in the wild.

When used in pesticides, Quassin is regarded as the safest and most effective way to eliminate harmful pests and insects whilst protecting those that benefit. Quassin has historically been used in lice remedies and is powerful at eliminating parasites while still being safe to use on all horses and ponies, even foals.

Our Bug Free Wash is ideal for keeping the skin cool, fresh and healthy and can be used diluted as a daily wash after exercise or alternatively sprayed on neat to affected areas.

Tana White has used our Bug Free products with great effects. “I have a horse that we have bred who suffers with terrible sweet itch and has done since he was a yearling. He is now 6.  I have sprayed the Bug Free Wash on his mane and tail almost every day and the results are absolutely amazing. Not only has he not rubbed nearly as much, but the condition of his mane and tail is wonderful. When he does rub, I put on the Bug Free cream and within 10-15 minutes he has calmed down and stopped rubbing. I would recommend this range to anyone that has a horse or pony that rubs or has sweet itch, as over the years I have tried everything for my horse, he even manages to rub through the rugs!”

To target the problems from the inside out we have also created a unique supplement, Skin Power, which is a remedy for skin irritations caused by fungus, flies and sweating. Skin Power is designed for feeding to your horse or pony every day to work on skin problems from the inside out by including herbs that help cleanse the blood, remove toxins, soothe irritations and allergic reactions, boost general health and increase resistance to conditions associated with heat and insects in summer. Skin Power encourages clean, healthy skin and a glossy coat and is the perfect remedy for horses that have sweet itch, itchy coats, dry, dull coats and any skin allergies. Ingredients include wild sage, fenugreek and chamomile.

“I have started using the Skin Powder on my mare and since using it she has been nowhere near as itchy, I will definitely be keeping her on it the difference is amazing!” Janice Pegler.

Herb blurb: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help to soothe irritated skin and reduce swellings and discomfort.

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