Dealing with fly bites, Forest Farmacy style…

At Forest Farmacy we are dedicated to solving problems to every day solutions using totally natural and organic ingredients. As experienced horse owners we can identify with virtually every single equine ailment you could be facing which gives us the ideal platform for advising you as to which products and solutions will work best.

During the warmer weather, for some horse owners, fly bites can be the bain of their lives! Whether they are slight bumps which irritate the skin, or ulcerated, infected wounds which are difficult to heal, we can provide an answer to your dilemmas…

What to look for

Last summer was one of the worst years for fly bites and if left untreated can become ulcerated and infected. Fly bites are usually oval and ‘volcano’ shaped with a hard centre and softer outer edge. There are generally no other symptoms but bites can be sore and irritated so keeping your horse as comfortable as possible is important. If your horse is itching and rubbing the bite it is more likely to open up and become infected so try to prevent your horse from scratching. A cold compress can offer some instant relief – think of a cold flannel on an itchy mosquito bite – and you can also apply calamine lotion as you would with humans.


We have created an easy-to-use, citronella free bug deterrent called Fly Power. It has been formulated not only to repel insects, but also to soothe raw and inflamed skin, and overall drastically reduce fly frustration for your four legged fried. The concentrated formula can be sprayed on neat to badly affected areas, or diluted to spray where necessary.

Fly Power contains a host of ingredients, all based on flower essences and plant extracts, including Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Cedar, Lavender and Coal Tar. Each of the ingredients has been chosen carefully to offer repellent properties, whilst being gentle to the skin and also promoting a healthy, shiny coat.

  • Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic and has long been used to repel insects and help soothe and heal skin troubles.
  • Coal Tar helps cleanse and soothe the skin, encourages fast healing and helps prevent parasites.
  • Lemongrass gives a fresh citrus aroma without the overpowering scent of Citronella, and offers anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-insecticidal benefits.
  • Cedar Oil has anti-septic, anti-insecticidal and anti fungal properties to keep skin fresh and help banish bugs.
  • Lavender is an all round healing and soothing plant that has been used for centuries to ward off insects. It is highly beneficial for the skin and has an instant calming effect on irritated animals.


Our unique Bug Free cream contains natural antihistamine properties which rapidly stop the itching and rubbing associated with insect irritation. It is gentle enough to use on open sore skin and instantly soothes the sting. In addition it deters flies from landing on the affected area and once the bite has healed the ingredients encourage the hair to re-grow.

Bug Free is an easy-to-apply cream which includes…

  • Mugwort has been used historically to help treat a range of parasitic infections that infect the skin.
  • Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help to soothe irritated skin and reduce swellings and discomfort.
  • Lavender is an all round healing and soothing plant that has been used for centuries to ward off insects. It is highly beneficial for the skin and has an instant calming effect on irritated animals.

Treat the problem internally

Something that is often overlooked when treating fly bites is the state of the horse’s internal system. By alkalising the body internally and boosting the immune system you can help your horse naturally fight off the sting and itch of the fly bite. Immunity Power is a unique combination which works to strengthen the internal system enabling horses to put up a fight against viruses and nasty bugs. In addition feeding a product such as Vitamin Power to balance any deficiencies in the diet will ensure your horse is getting his Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements ensuring his has the capability to fight against insect attack!

If your horse simply cannot stop scratching then Skin Power will help ditch the itch! The ingredients help cleanse the blood, remove toxins, soothe irritations and allergic reactions, boost general health and increase resistance to conditions associated with heat and insects in summer. Skin Power encourages clean, healthy skin and a glossy coat and is the perfect remedy for horses that have sweet itch, itchy coats, dry, dull coats and any skin allergies.

Old School Tip: If your horse is allergic to fly bites try adding ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar on to their feed once a day. It takes around a week to see the effects but this has been used for years to help repel flies and mosquitoes!

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